Sunday, March 18, 2007

Rock Warbler

Had a trip out to Wattamolla Beach at the Royal National Park this morning, was pretty good indeed! One of the best moments was where I nearly stood on a Rock Warbler, a bird I've only seen once before. It was at the top picnic ground. Saw it first feeding in a clearing, and then it dropped over a ledge. I walked over to it with my camera at the ready and it popped up into a small bush and gave me plenty of opportunity to photograph it. It then got bored and flew off to lower ground. I picked up my scope (I'd gone there for a sea-watch, but the conditions weren't conducive to anything sea-birdy) and walked back, and then it was there again. Too good.

Year count is 169 and Life count is 345. So I'm well on target to get 200 for the year (my guestimate is that I should probably get to 230 without trying too hard), and depending on whether I go to Queensland and/or Melbourne, there's a good chance I'll get to 400 for life by the end of the year.

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