Monday, October 15, 2007

Quick update

Hi there,

Well it's certainly been a while since I've posted. Just got back from a work trip to Melbourne, complete with 3 days of birding to kick things off. Saw a tidy 103 Birds for the trip, which takes me to 236 for the year, and 362 for life. So only 38 off making 400 for life, and I've exceeded my target of 200 for the year. Have got another trip to Melbourne (hopefully) in December, which will include 3 days at Werribee, so if that goes exceptionally well, I should be on target to make 400. To be honest I'm not too fussed if I make that, I aimed modestly for 200 for the year and whipped it!

In local, Erko birding news, there is a pair of Figbirds about at the moment, although they are only turning up in the evenings, and a female Common Koel has been calling loudly outside our back window. The males have been calling off in the distance (at least 3 of them). They may be a bit late though, as the Wattlebirds which hosted the Koel chick next door have already bred, and there's 3 of them flying around now, whereas in Koel years there has usually only been 1. So unless they breed again, there may not be any Koel baby to wake me up early on Summer mornings. Damn. :)

SO yeah - taht's it. I've got bucketloads of assignments to do over the next 6 weeks, so I don't know how often I'll get out birding.

Watch this space.


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