Sunday, December 16, 2007

Almost there

Almost at the end of the year... I'm at 374 birds for the life list, although re-analysing the actual species in my list against Clements sees me losing a couple. I guess I'll have to wait until the new Aus checklist comes out January-ish to get a definitive number there. Am on holidays at the moment and have been getting out and about quite a bit, despite the shockingly shithouse weather. Was up at the Capertee Valley for a couple of days earlier in the week, and am off down the coast for Waderfest 2007 - although the weather looks to be even worse than what we've been having, with the potential that the spit to Comerong Island may be closed due to increased flows of the Shoalhaven river, which will make the trip more Scrabblefest than Waderfest. Anyway - got a couple of days/nights there, so we'll see.

Anyhoot - I will post in about 2 weeks time so that the whole none of you who are reading this blog can see how I fared in the previous years twitching action. Next year will be bigger, as I'm going to drive to Cairns in November/December, and I would expect that I'm aiming for 100 new birds in that trip alone. So - all things going to plan - I'll be at around 500 birds for life come xmas next year, and i'll be at around 380ish by the end of this year.

Merry Merry and all that.

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